Monday, August 13, 2012

Wanna catch the boys' eyes? Why not try be as stylish as Eleanor Calder?

Being a directioner does not mean JUST liking the boy's music, or just knowing their first names. Being a fan means you love Lux, Paul, Danielle, Eleanor, Perrie, Josh and the whoooooooole crew. 

This week we decided to honor the ever so stylish Eleanor Calder. She looks great always, even at the airport. 

While not all of us are able to afford to dress that fabulously, we can try a few DIYs to fulfill our accessary craves. 

Lets start with super simple DIY button rings <3 i swear, its SUPER DUPER easy. 

Its not much of a tutorial, but we decided to share what supplies are best, and where to get them. LETTSSS GOOOOOO...

- ring backs. {may also be called ring platforms} *ours are from Joann Fabrics, like $4 for 8*          
- any button of your choice 
- super glue *E6000 all the way*
- wire cutters *if your buttons have the little loops on the back*

1. Check to make sure all of your buttons lay flat, if not use scissors or wire cutters to snip off the little loops.

2. Put a nice glob onto the ring backs, and onto the back of the buttons. Then stick 'em together.

3. Set them down as shown in the "dry" picture above and let dry overnight. 


Rock your new rings anywhere, to always look your best (: 


  1. I just want to let you know to meganlovesbieber8 on youtube stole your idea of a one direction jar and posted your pictures on a video! She did the same thing to me! I just wanted to let y'all know because I'm really mad about about it! So please check out her channel and let me know what you are going to do because I'm pretty sad about it! Thanks!

    1. please email us at and we can talk (:
